Title: Stormy Weather
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, mentions Jack and team
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 300 at tw100
Spoilers: Mild for End of Days.
Summary: Ianto prepares for another day without Jack.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: A second fill for the square Curtain/Purple
The sky was a bruised purple colour, indicating an approaching storm. Ianto threw back the curtains and stared out gloomily. The weather suited his mood.
He wished he could just go back to bed and hide from the world but that wasn’t an option. Since Jack disappeared, it was all hands on deck. Besides, the others couldn’t be trusted to clean up after themselves and no one else would think to feed Myfanwy and Janet.
He missed Jack.
With a heavy sigh he opened his wardrobe to select a suit. Time to don his armour for another day of work.
The End