Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Owen, Janet, Ianto.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 671: Gesture at tw100.
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Janet the Weevil is full of surprises.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Standing outside Janet’s cell, Owen stared at the Weevil, who stared back as only a Weevil could. Owen was the first to blink, then Janet copied him. After staring at the medic for a few more minutes, she made an odd gesture with her hands.
Owen frowned. He’d studied Weevils extensively, both Janet and various others brought in for tagging or treatment, but he’d never seen one do that. Usually they just snarled and lashed out at the thick Perspex barriers.
“Oi, teaboy, what’s with Janet?”
“Hm?” Ianto enquired vaguely, exiting Yuk’s cell after clearing away the remains of the peculiar alien’s last meal. Whatever kind of creature Yuk might be, it didn’t eat bones.
“She’s acting odd.”
Ianto looked across. “In what way?” As far as he could see, Janet wasn’t doing much of anything, just looking out at the world beyond her cell.
“She waved her hands at me. Sort of like…” Owen attempted to replicate the gesture. It wasn’t very successful, but good enough for Ianto to interpret.
“Ah, she was saying hello. I’ve been teaching her sign language; we’ve had some quite interesting chats.”
“Sign language? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“She wanted to surprise you.”
The End