badly_knitted (badly_knitted) wrote,

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FAKE Quadruple Drabble: Friend For Life

Title: Friend For Life
Fandom: FAKE
Characters: Dee, Mother.
Rating: G
Setting: Before the manga.
Summary: Dee has a loyal friend who’s been with him for as long as he can remember.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Toy’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.

Growing up in Mother’s orphanage, Dee had been well cared for, and had known he was loved, but he’d been very much aware that very little of what he had really belonged to him.

The clothes he wore were hand-me-downs, worn by countless other kids before him until at last they were beyond repair and relegated to the rag bag. With so many messy kids, rags were always needed. As for the toys he played with, and the books and comics he read, almost all of them were communal property, and whoever got to them first had temporary ownership until they were through playing or reading.

Mister Fuzzy was the exception. Mother had always made sure that every kid who passed through her doors had one soft toy that was their very own. Dee couldn’t even remember a time when his beloved teddy bear hadn’t been there, warm and soft, tucked into bed with him at night, keeping him company and protecting him from any horrors his young mind could imagine. Never had any kid been blessed with a more loyal and loving friend. Mister Fuzzy had always listened to Dee’s troubles, his worries and fears, had commiserated with him when he got punished, celebrated with him when anything good happened, and always kept his secrets.

The hardest thing about the time Dee had spent at the police academy had been not having his oldest friend there with him. He’d worried that if his teddy bear accompanied him, he’d either be made fun of, or Mister Fuzzy might be stolen, so he’d left the faithful bear in Mother’s safekeeping, telling him that they’d be reunited once he graduated and found a place of his own.

His first place hadn’t been much more than a bedsit, but it had felt like home as soon as Dee had gotten moved in, because there was Mister Fuzzy, back where he belonged, ready to hear about all Dee’s adventures, both during his police training and as a rookie cop. Maybe he was a little old for stuffed animals, but Dee didn’t care. No one else had to know about his bear.

Dee may not have had much growing up, but he’d had Mother’s love, and Mister Fuzzy; that was all he’d needed. As far as Dee was concerned, Mister Fuzzy had never been just a toy. A teddy bear was a friend for life.

The End

Tags: dee laytner, drabble, fake, fake fic, fic, fic: g, mother maria lane

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