badly_knitted (badly_knitted) wrote,

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Drabble: Moving On

Title: Moving On

Author: badly_knitted

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto. Mentions Gwen/Rhys, Tosh/Owen, OCs

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 313 – Open at tw100. Prompt used is Challenge 81: Life After Torchwood.

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: It’s time for Jack and Ianto to move on with their own lives.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: My eighth drabble for this prompt.

Today was the day. Jack and Ianto stood together, looking across the Hub one last time.

The new team was fully trained, confident in their abilities. Their leader had earned their trust, loyalty and respect. She would do a fine job of policing the Rift and protecting Cardiff’s residents.

There was nothing left for them to do.

Gwen and Rhys had left years ago to raise their family.

Tosh and Owen followed a few years later.

Now it was time for Jack and Ianto to discover their own life after Torchwood.

This wasn’t the end; it was just the beginning.

The End

Tags: drabble, fic, fic: g, gwen cooper, ianto jones, jack harkness, jack/ianto, owen harper, rhys williams, torchwood fic, toshiko sato, tw100

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