badly_knitted (badly_knitted) wrote,

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Drabble: Answers - Sequel to ‘Questions’

Title: Answers - Sequel to ‘Questions

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: John Hart, Ianto, Jack, Tosh, Owen, Gwen

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 315 – Drone at tw100

Spoilers: Just anything to do with John Hart.

Summary: The more answers they get, the less they seem to know. Mysteries multiply.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: And the drabbles come in two by two…

Hart smirked at the team; Ianto resisted the temptation to rearrange his face a little.

“I asked you a question.”

“Oh come on, lighten up! All business all the time; it’s not a good look on you.”

Ianto gritted his teeth, praying for patience.

“What came through the Rift?”

“Don’t know, didn’t see. Whatever it was, it had already gone when I got here.”

“Gone where?”

“If I knew that, I’d have gone after it. Figured your doohickey could track it.” Hart glanced towards the drone.


“On it; scanning for Rift residue.” She paused. “Okay, I have a trail.”


With Tosh and their drone leading the way, Torchwood set off tracking the mysterious new arrival.

Hart went with them; he wasn’t given any choice in the matter, frogmarched along between Owen and Gwen. Not that he seemed to mind; in fact he looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself. Jack found his attitude annoying.

“Why exactly are you here, John?”

“I was bored, alright? Earth’s not exactly the Vegas Galaxy. Thought maybe if I did something useful, you’d let me stick around for a bit.” He shrugged awkwardly.

“If you’re so bored, why not leave earth?”

“Because I can’t.”

TBC in ‘Revelations

Tags: drabble, fic, fic: g, fic: sequel, gwen cooper, ianto jones, jack harkness, john hart, owen harper, torchwood fic, toshiko sato, tw100

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