badly_knitted (badly_knitted) wrote,

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Drabble: Wedding Daze

Title: Wedding Daze

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Ianto, Jack, Jack’s Best Man

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 316 – Reverse Fandom – How I Met Your Mother at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: Jack and Ianto’s wedding is a bit unorthodox.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: Prompt at the end.

Their wedding wasn’t a complete disaster, but it was certainly… different. It hadn’t been intentional, but Torchwood had a bad habit of throwing a spanner in the works on such occasions.

Jack had wanted doves to be released, but his best man had other ideas.

“Doves are boring! Everybody has doves! On Berellis 9 they use squinches to represent fidelity.” Ianto wasn’t sure how that translated to them having a flock of flamingos, but they’d been nice. Until they’d stampeded through the guests.

“At least it was memorable,” Jack sighed. “Never should’ve asked the Doctor to be my Best Man.”

The End

A/N2: Title used was ‘The Best Man’

Tags: drabble, fic, fic: g, humour, ianto jones, jack harkness, jack/ianto, the doctor, torchwood fic, tw100

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