Title: Not Seeing Things - Sequel to ‘Seeing Things?’
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Jack, Owen, OC
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 316 – Reverse Fandom – How I Met Your Mother at tw100
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Owen doesn’t know what’s worse – hallucinating or not hallucinating.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Prompt at end.
When Ianto saw Owen arrive at the Hub that morning looking more than a little hung-over and immediately make his way to the autopsy bay to suffer in peace, he looked over at Jack and winked.
“Wait for it…”
A moment later, Owen’s voice drifted up from his domain, sounding rather uncertain.
“Yes, Owen?”
“Either I’m hallucinating or there’s a wallaby down here.”
“Oh, that’s just Daisy, she won’t hurt you.”
“O-kay. Why’s it smiling at me? That’s seriously creepy!”
“She’s just saying hello.”
Owen stared. Daisy smiled.
“I hate this place!” Owen muttered.
Daisy patted his shoulder consolingly.
A/N: Title used is ‘Wait For It’
TBC in 'Defining Daisy'