badly_knitted (badly_knitted) wrote,

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Fic Of The Week - Week One Hundred And Thirty Five

Is it just me or are weeks getting shorter? I swear it was just Monday a minute ago, now here it is again and I've got nowhere. I really need to get back to writing some of my WiPs.

Ah well, here's this week's Fic of the Week choice.

Labyrinth (a Torchwood version of the movie of the same name) is by Wolverinegal over on Teaspoon and was posted back in September of 2009. This one's 5 chapters and as it's rated Teen, no doubt it's smutless, but from a quick glance it seems to be Ianto-centric, which is always a plus =)

Author’s Note: One night, while looking at my DVD collection and trying to decide what to watch, I saw my copy of Labyrinth and thought “the Labyrinth is kinda like the inside of the TARDIS” and then I giggled at the thought of the Tenth Doctor, AKA David Tennant, in David Bowie’s pants… which we all know is the REAL reason anyone watches Labyrinth. And thus this came into being…

Read it here.

That's all, folks! Happy reading!
Tags: fic of the week, fic rec, reading

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