Title: Left Behind - Sequel to ‘Divided’
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Carol, Renard Henry
Rating: G
Setting: Vol. 2 Act 5.
Summary: Ryo and Carol find something to do while they’re alone at the hotel.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Yet another double drabble.
Once again Ryo found himself wishing it was just him and Dee, it’d been so peaceful before what seemed like half of New York descended on them. But then he remembered earlier events, Dee kissing him, pouncing on him, trying to pull his clothes off… No, being alone with Dee was a very bad idea indeed!
He was startled from his reverie by Carol wanting to visit the Tearoom; it sounded like an excellent way to spend the time while waiting for Dee and Bikky to return. Mr. Henry, the hotel manager, kindly agreed to bring tea and cakes.
He was as good as his word, soon delivering steaming hot cups of tea to them where they were relaxing in the Tearoom. He seemed a pleasant enough man, if a little over-familiar, addressing Ryo by his Japanese name, which apparently one of the others had mentioned. That was puzzling. Ryo was sure Dee wouldn’t have said anything, but perhaps either Bikky or Carol…
But before Ryo could ask Henry who had told him, Carol suddenly became inexplicably sleepy. Worried that she might be ill, Ryo carried her upstairs, asking if Henry would mind bringing ice and water to his room.
TBC in ‘Ryo In Danger’