This time the fic is PTSD: Post Torchwood Stress Disorder by thefannishwaldo, a 7-parter from November 2007. This is one I've wanted to read for a long while, but just never got around to.
Summary: It's been two and a half years since Canary Wharf. It's been a year since Lisa. And Jack is just now realizing what the real toll has all been on Ianto and the other survivors of Torchwood One. Now he needs to fix a big thing done badly before anyone else dies.
The fallout from the Canary Wharf battle interests me. So few survivors, but what became of them? Maybe this will provide some answers.
Part 1 is here on LJ Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Or read it here on AO3
Well, that's your lot for this time, hope you enjoy it! Happy reading!