badly_knitted (badly_knitted) wrote,

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Drabble: Night Off

Title: Night Off

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Jack, Ianto.

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 336 – Junk Food at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: A healthy diet should allow for occasional treats…

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Healthy eating made sense, Jack understood that; he and Ianto had been eating healthily for two weeks now and it was starting to have the desired effect. They were both feeling fitter and more energetic, and Jack’s trousers were no longer pinching. The food even tasted pretty good, with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat and wholegrain cereal.

But tonight was movie night, and raw veggies weren’t going to cut it.

“What d’you say we take the evening off from our new, healthier lifestyle?”

“Well, we did have a very healthy dinner,” Ianto grinned. “I’ll get the popcorn!”

The End

Tags: drabble, fic, fic: g, ianto jones, jack harkness, jack/ianto, torchwood fic, tw100

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