Title: Troubling Response
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee
Rating: PG
Setting: Vol. 1, beginning of Act 2.
Summary: Ryo is confused by Dee’s apparent flirting; he needs to set his mind at rest concerning Dee’s sexuality, so he asks…
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Written for the prompt ‘Mine Would Be You’
Ryo didn’t know what to think. Dee was so damned confusing! All those supposedly jokey comments, except they hadn’t really sounded like jokes… And what was with that kiss? That had been seriously embarrassing. There was only one thing for it; he’d have to ask.
“Don’t you like women, Dee?”
It was a relief to find out Dee did, even though it meant listening to him describing his ideal woman. Talk about a big ego.
The kiss had been a joke then.
But Ryo’s relief turned out to be short-lived.
“And since you’re asking, on the guy side… it’s you.”
The End