Title: Jack’s Style
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Jack.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 393: Uniform at tw100
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Jack has his own style.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters
Jack’s spent a lot of time in uniform, first with the Time Agency then fighting for one army or another on various worlds. He’s seen action in most major wars on earth over the past century and a half; you’d think by now he’d be tired of everything to do with warfare.
Yet he’s most comfortable dressed in the style of a WWII aviator. He doesn’t wear the full uniform, although he owns everything right down to the cap, but he always dresses the same even if he can’t explain his affinity for the era.
Besides, everyone loves the coat!
The End
Extended Version
Jack’s spent a lot of time in uniform, first with the Time Agency and then fighting for one army or another on various worlds. He’s seen action in many of the major wars on earth over the past century and a half too; you’d think by now he’d be tired of everything to do with warfare, the various forms of battle dress included.
Yet oddly, he’s most comfortable when dressed in the style of a World War Two aviator. He doesn’t go around in the full uniform all the time, it’s true, although he does own everything right down to the cap, but he almost always dresses the same way even if he can’t really explain the affinity he feels for the era.
Besides, he knows everyone loves the coat!
The End