badly_knitted (badly_knitted) wrote,

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Drabble: Bad Hair Day

Title: Bad Hair Day
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Tosh, Owen, Team.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 427: Bow at tw100.
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Owen fixes an annoying problem for Tosh.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

One windy December day, the team were out searching for an unidentified something that had come through the Rift. Their search had taken them to the park, where a huge marquee had been set up for a Christmas fair. Unfortunately, what they were seeking was outside in the blustery weather.

Tosh’s hair was driving her mad; it kept blowing in her eyes, making it impossible for her to see. Then Owen appeared beside her.

“Here, this should help.” Sweeping her hair back, he tied the purple ribbon he’d just bought into a big bow.

Tosh smiled. “Thanks, Owen.”

“You’re welcome.”

The End

Tags: drabble, fic, fic: g, owen harper, team, torchwood fic, toshiko sato, tw100

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